the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and worried. We may experience increased feelings of stress,
anxiety, irritability or frustration. We may feel uncertainty about the future
or worry about isolation amidst rapidly changing schedules and social plans. While
feeling worried is normal and expected, there are several ways that you can
increase your resilience, support brain chemistry, sleep quality and reduce the
risk of depression.
- Pay close attention to what you say to yourself. Are you telling yourself you’re anxious? Depressed? Angry? For whatever feelings come up, instead of feeding into them, stop and listen to them. Observe them. Identify why you are feeling the way you are and what you can do to make it better.
- You can protect your feelings of wellbeing by ensuring that your diet provides adequate amounts of essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, as well as water.
- Engage in regular physical activity. Physical activity can help lower your overall stress levels and improve your quality of life, both mentally and physically.
- Take time to relax. Striking the balance between responsibility to others and responsibility to yourself, can really reduce stress levels
- Be mindful. Mindfulness is a mind-body approach to life that helps us to relate differently to experiences. It involves paying attention to our thoughts and feelings in a way that increases our ability to manage difficult situations and make wise choices. Research has suggested that it can reduce the effects of stress, anxiety and related problems such as insomnia and poor concentration.