“For children with autism, a nutritious, balanced
diet can make a world of difference in their ability to learn, how they manage
their emotions and how they process information.” Kepha Nyanumba - Consultant Nutritionist.
Autism is a complex developmental condition that appears
during the early stages of life and affects, among other things, the way an
individual relates to his environment and interaction with other people. The
main areas of difficulty are in social interaction, social communication and
restricted or repetitive behaviours and interests. Taking care of children with
autism can be challenging on many levels, and healthful eating is no exception.
Many children with autism have selective eating that goes beyond the usual
'picky eating' behaviour seen in most children at specific developmental
stages. These types of self-limiting diets are usually a direct result of the
disorder. Common feeding concerns include:
- Difficulty accepting new foods
- Restricted intake due to colour, texture, packaging and food temperature
- Difficulty with transition to textures (especially during infancy)
- Continually eating rather than having mealtimes
Nutrition Concerns in Autism
children with autism, a nutritious, balanced diet can make a world of
difference in their ability to learn, how they manage their emotions and how
they process information. Children
with autism often repeat behaviors and have narrow, obsessive interests. These
types of behavior can affect eating habits and food choices, which can lead to
the following nutrition concerns.
- Not eating enough food. Autistic children may have difficulty focusing on one task for an extended period of time. It may be hard for a child to sit down and eat a meal from start to finish.
- Limited food selection or strong food dislikes. Children with autism may be sensitive to the taste, smell, color and texture of foods. They may limit or totally avoid some foods and even whole food groups. Common dislikes include fruits, vegetables and slippery, soft foods.
- Medication interactions. Some stimulant medications used with autism can lower appetite. This can reduce the amount of food a child eats, which can affect growth.
for dealing with Selective Eating
- Establish as calm and comfortable environment as possible
- Work to broaden the variety of a child's diet expanding on already accepted food groups e.g. different types of bread
- Most children do best when meal times are the same time and place every day
- Setting small goals in stages will allow the child step
by step to reach a larger goal
e.g. before encouraging a child to eat vegetables; they may need to learn to accept a small amount on their plate first.
Children with autism seem to have a higher
incidence of digestive tract symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating,
constipation, loose stools, and frequent diarrhea. This problem usually is caused by a child's limited food choices. Many
parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) report that behavior
improves when their children eat a diet free of gluten and casein. Gluten
is found primarily in wheat, barley and rye; casein, in dairy products. Always consult a nutritionist before
making any drastic changes to your child's diet as there can be side effects
and potential nutrient deficiencies when a gluten- or casein-free diet is
Kepha Nyanumba (Consultant Nutritionist),
Tel: +254 (0) 723 103 028 / 706 253 934,
Email: knyanumba@chc.co.ke /
me on twitter: @knyanumba or Blog: kephanyanumba.blogspot.com.
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